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I hit a plateau

November 07, 20233 min read

Have you ever experienced the excitement of learning something new, applying it and seeing yourself advancing like never before?

Those moments are so motivating and inspiring that you kind of feel on the top of the world, like you could confidently accomplish anything you set your mind to.

You become obsessed with the idea and potential of what you’re building and your belief about yourself is through the roof.

You feel invincible and ready to take your business or your career to the top.

BUT I guess you have also experienced what comes after that initial dopamine hit at some point along the way… 

You see how your progress starts to stabilize until a point where you feel you are not advancing at all.

You feel stuck.

And with that feeling also comes frustration and discouragement, because you don’t really understand what’s going on. You are doing all the supposedly right things and still you’re not seeing the same progress as before. 

I’ve been there a thousand times and I didn’t really understand, until not long ago...

This steady stage is actually part of the process of growing and accomplishing your goals.

It sounds super counterintuitive and I personally used to fight that reality big time!

Because, I personally consider myself a superachiever and always striving for more in both my personal and professional life, and when these moments of paralysis in my progress would come, I would feel frustrated and not worth it of accomplishing that goal thinking that I wasn’t capable enough or smart enough.

AND those negative feelings would take over me like a whirlwind and would make me abandon that goal of mine finding always the perfect excuses to do so.

I would just quit and go for the next thing.

I didn’t understand at that moment that what I was experiencing in my progress was that I was hitting a plateau. 

A stall in progress.

And that it is a normal phase when you’re advancing in any area of your life. 

At some point you’ll find yourself in that plateau stage. That’s why I think it’s important to reframe how we see those moments.

Now I know, that when you hit a plateau it is actually a blessing in disguise:

It is actually a much needed part of your journey towards reaching your goals because it requires from you to show your perseverance by keep working at the same level you did before even if you don't see the results just yet.

It’s the moment when you must show your STRENGTH and COMMITMENT towards making that goal of yours happen.

When you do that, you start seeing that stage as a way to figure out new tweaks to add to your actions and skills that will get you to the next level. 

And that’s how… you START ADVANCING AGAIN.

BUT this time EVEN MORE than before, because by staying in that plateau stage you build a new muscle, a stronger one, that is going to set the basis for a COMPOUNDING EFFECT in your next GROWTH PHASE.

So if you’re in a plateau right now, try to reframe the meaning you’re giving to this moment and bring on your STRENGTH and PERSEVERANCE knowing that if you keep working long enough the results will start to compound as if it were pop corn going off over fire.

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